Monday, 3 March 2014

Edward MacDowell (American Composer) 1860-1908

I have recently "discovered" Edward MacDowell, an American Composer (1860-1908) who was a prolific composer of mainly piano music. His most well known piece is "To a wild rose" from his "10 Woodland Sketches"
I also "discovered" his collection of 6 pieces for piano, by J S Bach, which are reworkings and reharmonising of some of Bach's well known piano works,including 3 from the Anna Magdalena Notebook,
I have done several arrangements for various wind instrumentation, but my latest ones are flute/clarinet duets of Bach's famous Menuet in G.
This is actually 2 Menuets: (MacDowell calls it a minuet and trio):the menuet being the more popular one origianlly in G major, and the trio being a menuet in G minor. I have transposed them into a key to suit the instruments..
The harmonies are different in a subtle way from those of Bach’s: this will surprise and delight your audience.

Menuet in G and Trio

Flute Duet

Clarinet Duet